Fixed-Line Fly Fishing Magazine Warmwater

Best of Tenkara Angler: Warm Water Fixed-Line Mashup Issue

So if there’s one thing I learned when it came to reviewing the results of the Tenkara Angler reader survey, it was that a large majority of you want to see more “warm water” content – for bass, panfish, carp, etc… So with that noted, I’m happy to present:


Figured this would be a good time to publish this warm water fixed-line companion piece. Over 80 pages in all.

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As always, Tenkara Angler is best viewed through the Issuu e-reader or app. However, physical print copies or PDF downloads can be purchased in our Blurb store.

Some background: I was already planning on putting together some “Best Of” re-issues of the magazine, essentially combining similarly themed articles from prior releases into one consolidated issue. These allow newer readers to catch up on some previously published content without going through each and every back-issue, as well as let older readers re-discover some articles that may have new meaning.

If you find these “Best Of” issues interesting, I’ll happily put together other curated issues of Tenkara Angler over time, as topics such as DIY/fly tying, techniques, essays, and Japan all feel like natural extensions of this theme.

One minor disclaimer, this issue consists of articles literally “ripped” from prior issues of Tenkara Angler, so it’s a bit less refined than a normal issue of the magazine. (Examples being the absence of a “From the Editor” section, the page numbers at the bottom of each page make absolutely no sense at all, inconsistent fonts, and there’s even an ad for a 2017 tenkara event).

Also, in the interest of reducing cost some, should you want to purchase physical copy of a “Best Of” issue, they will be printed on Standard stock, not the typical Premium stock. Still a great option, just not quite a thick a page or glossy photo.

I hope you enjoy the warm water fixed-line mashup issue of Tenkara Angler!

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