Events Tenkara

We Can Build Strong Local Tenkara Communities

With risk of sounding like an old man… in the early days of American tenkara, 14-15 years ago… seeing other tenkara anglers on the stream was a rarity. There were days I would feel like a trailblazer, and then other days I would feel more like a shy lone wolf. It has been wonderful to watch the popularity of tenkara grow.

In the early days we had only a few tenkara resources for instruction and rods. (We had to walk upstream both ways when we fished too!) We were the “outliers”, and some days it felt like we were part of a secret society. It was exciting to be on the cutting edge of something. We became advocates for tenkara’s success. We would tell anyone who was willing to listen. Some took to it, others poked fun at it and called it a “fad”. We certainly had the last laugh. Tenkara did take hold and has now become well established across the country as well as across the rest of the western world.

Despite the decline in regular gatherings like the Tenkara USA Summit, the tenkara community still fosters connections, albeit in a more scattered manner. Nowadays, tenkara events are sparse, often overshadowed by fly-tying nights arranged by western fly anglers, leaving us feeling somewhat out of place. While larger events exist, they typically entail costly travel. To revitalize community engagement, we need more localized initiatives. Fortunately, anyone, regardless of expertise, can spearhead such events in their area. So, if you’re reading this, consider taking the initiative to organize a tenkara gathering—it’s easier than you might think.

We Can Build Strong Local Tenkara Communities - Tenkara Angler - Dennis Vander Houwen - Tenkara Summit
Tenkara anglers gathered at the last Tenkara USA Summit in Boulder, CO.

Start by reaching out to the tenkara anglers you already know in your local area. Building a community requires collaboration, so don’t hesitate to partner with others who share your interest. Recruit a team to help organize the event, delegating tasks based on people’s strengths and interests. Once you’ve assembled your team, it’s time to spread the word. Utilize word of mouth and social media to generate interest, ensuring to engage with relevant Facebook groups and encourage others to share the event. Consider creating eye-catching graphics and enthusiastic event descriptions to build excitement. Not everyone is on social media so there is also a challenge to reach those people as well.

We Can Build Strong Local Tenkara Communities - Tenkara Angler - Dennis Vander Houwen - Graphics
Promote your events with lots of reasons for people to attend. Your announcements don’t need to be this fancy but it does help to get people to turn out.

When selecting a location for your events, choose one that suits the nature of the event and is easily accessible to attendees. Whether it’s a restaurant, library, coffee shop, park, or someone’s home, prioritize convenience for all participants but understand that you can’t please everyone. Let the location move about so that it does occasionally reach everywhere. Remember to plan and make any necessary reservations or arrangements. Some places like parks require you to reserve shelters, the same is true for library conference rooms. These are free to use, you need only sign up for them. Other places like restaurants will welcome your business and will save space for you.

Offering a variety of events can enhance community engagement. Start with a social mixer or meet-up at a local venue to foster connections and discuss future possibilities. As the initiator, maintain a positive attitude and convey your enthusiasm for building a vibrant community. Emphasize the group’s aim of bringing people together for enjoyment and camaraderie. Your inaugural event can serve as a platform for brainstorming and laying the groundwork for future gatherings.

We Can Build Strong Local Tenkara Communities - Tenkara Angler - Dennis Vander Houwen - Fly Tying
Some western angler fly tying events can feel less like community if you are a tenkara angler. I attended this one and only spoke with 3 people the whole time.

Some Event Ideas and Features:

  • Fly-tying night/afternoon – Have contests with prizes for best, ugliest, mystery material challenge
  • Pot luck or pizza nights – Everyone brings a dish or chip in on a pizza order
  • Stream clean-up – garbage bags and sack lunches, plus fishing afterwards
  • Meet up in the park – sack lunch/grill/picnic/casting games and fly swaps
  • Lecture night – Have a guest speaker or expert from the group give a presentation
  • Show and tell – bring your favorite rod/fly/gear/fishing story
  • Stream Scouting – Everyone brings a map to explore and discuss blue lines
  • Flea market and swap meet – Everyone has extra stuff they aren’t using or want to get rid of
  • Fly tying materials potluck – Everyone brings some extra materials to share
  • Introduction to tenkara – create a welcoming place for new anglers to learn about tenkara
  • Campouts/fishing trip/Stream takeover. – These take a little planning but are memories in the making

The growing tenkara community is a vibrant and welcoming group. By creating local gatherings, we are fostering connections and sharing knowledge. Organizing such events is not reserved for experts; anyone can take the initiative. By leveraging social media, collaborating with others, and selecting practical locations, diverse and engaging activities can be offered, from fly-tying contests to stream clean-ups. It really is a matter of being creative and having fun. These local events enrich the community and will contribute to the growth and further acceptance of tenkara angling. Through collective effort and enthusiasm, the future of tenkara events is bright and promising. I am always available to talk with anyone wanting to create a local event. I hope to hear about your events too.

Presenting a Big Idea… “Tenkara Social Clubs™

I have joined with members of my community to create a Facebook group just for anglers in Colorado. “Tenkara Social Club – Colorado.” It is my hope that this can act as a catalyst and template for others to start a chapter in their state. The structuring is still in motion, but I am happy to help you get started in your state too. We have a website domain secured and this website will go even further to connect all the Tenkara Social Club “chapters.”

We Can Build Strong Local Tenkara Communities - Tenkara Angler - Dennis Vander Houwen - Tenkara Social Club Colorado
Start with a simple event to get everyone together. This was our first Tenkara Social Club meeting. It was a wet, snowy afternoon and we still had a good turn out.
Photo: Jason Klass

The goal of this project will help build our communities locally while also connecting everyone across the USA. The long term “dream goal” is to work up to having an annual summit event that will be held in a different state each year. Please reach out to me if you are interested in organizing for your state chapter. Understand that these are the early days and this is not a “for profit” venture nor is it an official “non-profit.”

Dennis Vander Houwen is an early adopter of tenkara, he lives and fishes all over Colorado.  For more information on living simply or approaching a richer life with fewer things check out his blog, Tenkara Path, where you can also support his tenkara lifestyle by purchasing one of his amazing, handmade tenkara line spool, fly keepers. Learn more about Tenkara Lifestyles here.

Do you have a story to tell? A photo to share? A fly recipe that’s too good to keep secret? If you would like to contribute content to Tenkara Angler, click HERE for more details.


  1. Its something we need to have as our sport matures. It facilitates learning and camraderie. Glad to be a part of my local group and I hope others will take the idea and run with it.

  2. Come to the great Wisconsin Driftless Tenkara campout May 16-19 2024 at Esofia county park in South West Wisconsin. See the Wisconsin Tenkara campout 2024 Facebook page.

    1. Zoan, It would be great to have a tenkara social club in every state. As I mentioned in the article we are looking for people to set up in each state. I would love to attend the Campout. Work and the travel expense prevent it. However we need more events like the WDT campout across the country. If you read the article, the long term goal is to have a summit again that would move about the country. The Tenkara Social Club in that state would help to coordinate. Let me know if you want to set up a “chapter” in Wisconsin.

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